The Callback API

    Add(iType, function) -- adds a callback and returns it's id
    Add - Overload -- additional way to use callbacks, e.g. function OnLoad() end
    Del(iType, id) -- deletes a callback

    The Callback iTypes

    Load -- gets called when lua engine finished loading
    UnLoad -- gets called just before lua engine will be unloaded
    GameEnd -- gets called when the game ends
    Tick -- gets called 30x per second
    Draw -- gets called every frame
    WndMsg -- gets called with (msg, wParam) as input when the user presses a key
    ProcessRecall -- gets called with (unit, proc) as input then anyone recalls

    The Control API

    .LeftClick(Table {x, y}) | .LeftClick(x, y) -- Executes a left mouse click
    .RightClick(Table {x, y}) | .RightClick(x, y) -- Executes a right mouse click
    .CastSpell(char | byte key) -- Casts a spell
    .CastSpell(char | byte key, GameObject target) -- Casts a spell at a GameObject
    .CastSpell(char | byte key, Number x, Number y) -- Casts a spell at a screen pos (2D)
    .CastSpell(char | byte key, Number x, Number y, Number z) -- Casts a spell at an ingame pos (3D)
    .CastSpell(char | byte key, Vector (3D) vec) -- Casts a spell at an ingame pos (3D)
    .Move() -- Moves towards mousePos
    .Move(Number x, Number y) -- Moves towards a screen pos (2D)
    .Move(Number x, Number y, Number z) -- Moves towards an ingame pos (3D)
    .Move(Vector (3D) vec) -- Moves towards an ingame pos (3D)
    .Attack(GameObject target) -- Attacks a GameObject
    .IsKeyDown(char | byte key) -- Check for a key being held down
    .SetCursorPos(GameObject | Vector 3D | Vector 2D | x, y) -- Sets the cursor position
    .KeyDown(char | byte) -- Holds down a key
    .KeyUp(char | byte) -- Releases a key


    The Draw API

  •  DumpDocumentation(fileName)
  • Dumps a Documentation file.


    The Game API

  •  GetTickCount
  • returns windows tick count


  •  GetImageInfoFromFile(path)
  • returns width and height as table

    Table {x, y}


  •  print(...)
  • prints any given input


    The Sprite class.


    .x -- returns the x value
    .y -- returns the y value
    .pos -- returns the pos
    .path -- returns the path
    .width -- returns the width
    .height -- returns the height
    .scale -- returns the scale
    .color -- returns the Color
    :Draw() -- draws the sprite at .pos
    :Draw(Vector (2D) vec) -- draws the sprite at vec
    :Draw(Number x, Number y) -- draws the sprite at x y
    :Draw(Table {x, y, w, h}, Vector (2D) vec) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at vec
    :Draw(Table {x, y, w, h}, Number x, Number y) -- draws a rectangle of the sprite at x y
    :SetScale(Number scale) -- sets a sprite's scale
    :SetScale(Number scaleX, Number scaleY) -- sets a sprite's scale
    :SetPos(Vector (2D) vec) -- sets a sprite's pos
    :SetPos(Number x, Number y) -- sets a sprite's pos
    :SetColor(Color col) -- set a sprite's color


    The Vector class.


    Vector() => (0, 0, 0) -- Possible overload - 'nullvector'
    Vector({x = 100, y = 100}) => (100, 100) -- Possible overload - 'xyz-table'
    Vector(100, 0, 100) => (100, 0, 100) -- Possible overload - 'number, number, number'
    Vector({x = 0, y = 50, z = 75}, {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}) => (100, 50, 25) -- Possible overload - 'startPos, endPos'
    .x -- The x value
    .y -- The y value
    .z -- The z value
    .onScreen -- Used for 2D Vectors.
    :To2D() -- returns screenpos from Vector3 (alias ToScreen)
    :ToMM() -- returns minimap position from Vector3
    :Clone() -- returns a new but equal Vector
    :Unpack() -- returns x, y, z Values
    :DistanceTo(Vector vec) -- returns distance to another vector or, if omitted, myHero
    :Len() -- returns total length
    :Len2() -- returns squared length (faster)
    :Normalize() -- normalizes this vector (length == 1)
    :Normalized() -- returns a cloned and normalized vector
    :Center(Vector vec) -- center between 2 vectors
    :CrossProduct(Vector vec) -- cross product of 2 vectors (alias: CrossP)
    :DotProduct(Vector vec) -- dot product of 2 vectors (alias: DotP)
    :ProjectOn(Vector vec) -- projects a vector on a vector
    :MirrorOn(Vector vec) -- mirrors a vector on a vector
    :Sin(Vector vec) -- calculates sin of 2 vectors
    :Cos(Vector vec) -- calculates cos of 2 vectors
    :Angle(Vector vec) -- calculates angle between 2 vectors
    :AffineArea(Vector vec) -- calculates area between 2 vectors
    :TriangleArea(Vector vec) -- calculates triangular area between 2 vectors
    :RotateX(Angle phiX) -- rotates vector by phiX around x axis
    :RotateY(Angle phiY) -- rotates vector by phiY around y axis
    :RotateZ(Angle phiZ) -- rotates vector by phiZ around z axis
    :Rotate(Angle phiX, Angle phiY, Angle phiZ) -- rotates vector around all axis
    :Rotated(Angle phiX, Angle phiY, Angle phiZ) -- returns a cloned and rotated vector
    :Polar() -- returns polar value
    :AngleBetween(Vector vec2, Vector vec3) -- returns the angle formed from a vector to both input vectors
    :Compare(Vector vec) -- compares both vectors, returns difference
    :Perpendicular() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° right
    :Perpendicular2() -- creates a new vector that is rotated 90° left
    :Extend(Vector vec, Distance d) -- extends a vector towards a vector
    :Extended(Vector vec, Distance d) -- returns a cloned and extended vector
    :Shorten(Vector vec, Distance d) -- shortens a vector towards a vector
    :Shortened(Vector vec, Distance d) -- returns a cloned and shortened vector
    :Lerp(Vector vec, Delta d) -- creates a new vector, lerps it towards vector by delta d [0; 1]